Yesterday I stepped on a nail and it went into my foot. I was certain I had had a tetanus shot a couple of years ago, but then I began to mistrust my memory. So I thought, “Aha, I’ll bet I blogged about it – given my family phobia with lockjaw.” I hadn’t. I blogged about Summer stepping on a nail; I blogged about the story of my ancestor cutting his foot with an axe in Southern Indiana in 1822 and dying of lockjaw; I did not blog about my getting a tetanus shot. I called the office and, yes, I had one in 2009. I felt bad about them having to look through my records, so I am at least making note of it here.
It was about the time I went to Kings Island and rode the Diamondback, so I can see how memory of it got a little foggy. I’m not linking back to the Diamondback post; I can do without refreshing that experience in my mind.