The emailman brought this

LZP sent us this photo of himself with this question:

Well do I know how to party or what ?

I downloaded it into iphoto, but did no editing. This is it  – without enhancement. The colors radiating around him are really that bright; his cheeks are that rosy. And when I went to name it for export to my desktop, I saw it was already called “Mustachio” and thought, “Well, okay, I can go with that.”

I asked Der Bingle if he thought this was the result of a delirium brought on by 34+ hours of non-stop caregiving when nursing shift schedules were disrupted by nurse-illness. He started telling LZP stories and . . . I think he should tell some here. Or not. What are the chances of a fez-wearing, banana-eating, bandito chasing us down?

In the meantime, I guess I will

Party . . . oh, yeah.

This is the comment left below, but I feel it needs to be up here:

LZP, aka the Hanging Judge, adjudicates all appeals of traffic/parking tickets issued at the University of Iowa.  He has a stuffed vulture mounted over his desk.  The only thing missing from this picture is the black robe.  The moustache, however, appears augmented as if he had been sniffing cotton balls….

Christmas in the attic . . . almost

Christmas baskets were put in white kitchen flex bags, as were wreaths. Most of the garland went into the bigger black flex bags, and, of course, there were the boxes of ornaments and lights and paper and just a lot of stuff. It all went up to the attic. Cameron moved it from the staging area in the sitting room to the lobby under the attic stairs and the bucket brigade began – with me at the top. It didn’t take long to do and then I came down and vacuumed.

I noticed them out of the corner of my eye as I sucked by; they were massed on top of a cabinet and they looked threatening. Somehow a virtual army of short nutcrackers did not get packed up. They were all summoned to the port of departure but their ship forgot to show up . . . and now they don’t want to go at all. They want to be the “Home Guard” for the year; they want to experience summer.

I have not negotiated with nutcrackers before and, to tell the truth, I do not know what they are capable of when I fall asleep. They have hinted at it. I am leaning toward giving them a lease on a shelf this year.

Yes, yes, this is all nonsensical but it is Monday morning.