My reputation is at stake

I walked through the living room just a few moments ago and realized Der Bingle and Cameron were watching a movie on Syfy about mega piranhas and paused long enough to determine the movie was a real bang your head on the wall experience. Uttering panicked words about my reputation for watching bad movies of this ilk, I ran out to settle in opposite the smaller TV, which is not a flat-screened HD and so things don’t look so in your face.

Der Bingle’s voice followed me, “Mega Python vs. Gatoroid” is coming on next.

So I am getting ready during commercials of the mega piranha movie. I have a nice, cold glass of peach iced tea. I’m turning off the lights so I can cuddle down in movie theater dark. I am ready. Supposedly there are two bimbo scientists who get in a cat fight. Holy Cow, I just saw the promo for the fight scene.

Its starting – last light going off.