Two, this time

I am waking up and very soon I will be in the shower. Then I will put on clean clothes, but ones that can be incredibly “dog-haired” because I am taking two dogs to the vet at 9:30. Shane’s foot is hurt and Sydney turned his nose up at chicken and roast on two consecutive days and has been snappy.

I don’t think we have good news about Sydney. His liver enzymes were all elevated – every one of them. He has been on medicine to help his liver, but the enzymes are definitely up. I am telling all these concerned redyarn-headed folks here that we don’t need to get ahead of ourselves. But, then, you know the Boy Scout motto.

Hmmm . . . something just happened that has occurred before. I’ll be using Firefox and all of a sudden a Google Chrome window opens and above it is the sentence: Chrome Google is not your default browser. Well, yes, I know that. Maybe this is some sort of Internet door-to-door salesman. I hope it’s not like those old vacuum cleaner salesmen – you know, the ones who would throw dirt on your floor when you opened your door.  Imagine a pile of Google Chrome code all over my Firefox window.

The shower . . . it calls me. And not with a siren’s call – more like GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW IF YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU.