Category Archives: The Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse

Random question at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse

I was standing at the counter, pouring Diet Coke over my crushed ice and adding a splash of Mountain Dew to it, when it occurred to me to ask Frank, “Wouldn’t it be something if people were recalled like faulty products? Or if you had a lemon law for relatives?” Frank is used to this type of question from me; fortunately, this was one he could tolerate. Some of my hypothetical scenario ones make him roll his eyes and grunt at intervals. You know that kind: So if you knew that a scientist’s mind would be triggered to discover the cure for cancer if your daughter, son or Al Gore were bitten by a cobra, would you arrange for it to happen? Yeah, that kind – they drive him crazy.

But, okay, think about this idea of people as well, products. What if different personalities had been “test marketed” and those that weren’t too stellar pulled from the production line? Of course, then I suppose the ones already in the warehouse would be repackaged and sent to  . . . I’d better not speculate where.

Anyway,  my mind and mouth moved on to questions like “What if God ran people production like Proctor & Gamble did its empire?” That’s just the moment when Rosemary walked in – the words were hanging in the air. Ack, Rosemary and I have different views about things . . . and that’s okay. What drives me crazy is that I think people should be feel to let their minds wander around all thoughts – such as how many angels can stand on the head of a pin thing – and Rosemary is the kind of person who . . . doesn’t. She thinks I’m irreverent.

Frank started folding up his newspaper as if he were going to go, leave, flee . . . get out of Dodge. I shot him a look and he kind of hunched back down and became inordinately interested in the Living Section.

Nothing happened.  Rosemary sat down and ordered a orange marmalade, crunchy foldover and I asked, “So, Rosemary, what day did you ladies pick for the ice cream social?” Not that I really cared, but I knew that if “cobra” and “Al Gore” crossed my lips, Frank would make it a point to tear every daily Sudoku out of the paper for the next four months.

Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse – thinking

I do not feel as if I am in a batting cage with a machine pitching baseballs at me, but I might say I would compare it to being in the cage with a whole lot of machines tossing ping pong balls, tennis balls, baby rubber balls . . . hail, even . . . at me. And I have this feeling of “What now?” and a frenzied thought of “Oh, Miss Scarlett, I ain’t ever delivered no babies!” bouncing around in my head.

As I stand looking through the screen door – the old wooden one with the decorative knobs on it – at the rain pouring down, I am considering actually taking control of this situation and announcing: If you can’t handle peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth occasionally, get out of my way and maybe just get out.

However, I am fairly certain I will not say this. I will probably do the “take a number” thing and start handling issues in a triage manner, making unilateral decisions and letting the chips fall where they may. As Cameron cheers when my temper reaches a certain point, “Go, Grandma!”

So . . . I turn from the screen door, face the interior and the people within and get on with it.

This might be big talk for a short, soup-canned figured, coming up on being old woman . . .

Not glossy magazine living

Most of the folks who frequent the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse are what you might call proponents of a retro style of living known as “making do” or “hey, this works”. And that pretty much means you won’t find our domiciles featured in glossy magazines. Our places, and especially the PBC&R, are furnished, so to speak, with just stuff.

Well, you probably guessed that after reading my many references to the Chickenpox Sofa and rummage sales.

But right now, I’m thirsty and a little achy, so I’m going to go fix myself a cure – Coke, Diet Coke and aspirin – and get back to this subject later. I think it will be an “ongoing” later – as in bit by bit as I think of things.

Oh, before I hobble off to the kitchen, I have to mention one of the best compliments my husband gave me: We were about 30, had moved to Ann Arbor and I put a table in the basement laundry room. The floor slanted a little and when he came home, I demonstrated you had to “kind of kick” one of the table’s legs back a bit to make it stable.

He laughed and said I reminded him of his grandfather . . . “Oh, a little baling wire will fix that right up.”

So, a week ahead of Father’s Day, I’m going to make my cure and toast the late William A. Vance Sr. of Carthage, Illinois, known by his contemporaries as “W.A.”

How long will it stay?

I, AmeliaJake, have cleaned up my little porchery spot here at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse. To real housekeepers, this translates as “she is not tripping over as many things.” I got enough stuff off the dropleaf coffee table that I was able to drop the two leaves. That is kind of nice. Now, if I put one up for a drink or a piece of whatever, I must, must, must take the empty glass into the kitchen and put away other stuff when I am done with it.

Yes, without seeing you, Der Bingle, I know you are rolling on the floor laughing. You are probably right, but let me have a wee moment of hope, please. I pulled up the wicker rocker closer to the table in case I deign to let someone join me . . . and I even have a folding canvas chair with two cupholders if I go crazy and let two people out here at the same time.

The layout here at the PBC&R is a little hard to get across to people in writing. We have a long porch out in front and half of it is screened so we can escape any flies and mosquitoes. One screen door leads out to the unscreened part of the porch and to get into the main cafe/roadhouse, you have to go through the double screen doors on that side. We keep saying we’re going to turn one of the windows into a door, but we don’t – although we’ve been down to climb in and out through one.

Okay, the main room when you come though those screen doors is the original building back when the stages stopped. A staircase leads up to the rooms on the second floor. Over to the right is a door that leads into the built-on paneled den with banks of windows on the west and south sides and a fireplace. The kitchen is behind the main room – it used to be the summer kitchen, but as we got more modern, we made a year round thing and put in more tables and a bigger counter in the freed up space in the original room. That enlarged summer kitchen is about 2/3 the length of the main room and den; Great-Great -Great Uncle Frank kept on going for the full length and added on a “private” room for meetings and such. Then my grandfather built a side porch and later in his life enclosed it and planted shrubs all around it – That’s where I am now.

Confusing isn’t it?

Oh dear, they want to show you me . . .

When I was writing about Lydia (Sparky) and Spikey I thought they would understand how their “people” looks flash back and forth with their spirit looks and how sometimes you tend to see the spirit part most of all. And they did; they just think I should post a picture of my spirit as it comes across. So, here it is:

They also want me to tell you that sometimes I eat peanut brittle foldovers at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse. They snickered when they mentioned it.

Red piano

I’ll bet you didn’t know this but we have a red upright piano at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse, and we have a pianist who can really tickle the ivories. Her name is Lydia, but we call her . . . because of her spirit . . . . Sparky. And this is her picture – maybe – if we can get it to post.

Well, Sparky looks a little dreamy here; she’s resting from a honky-tonk afternoon. You should see her with her head bent over the keys, her fingers (yes, she has them) bouncing along and her hair getting kind of spiked up like her Cousin Spikey.

Now, you realize, the way we see Sparky is a beyond the regular dimensional parameters. We really don’t have a ragdoll* sitting here drinking soda and providing music; her spirit just comes across that way. And Cousin Spikey? Oh, she comes across in such fantastic dimensional presence that she has to wear a sign to prove she’s the real thing . . . so many have tried to imitate her.

Oh, did I mention Spikey is an angel? But she’s lively!

Oh, nuts, now Newfie is going to want her picture put up.

* Some say we ARE ragdolls and uninspired thinkers just see a dull old regular human.

Pioneer Woman’s cowboys win

Some of the folks here at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse have been following the adventures of the pioneer woman because we have, you know, a leaning cow.

One traveler who stopped in for a crunchy foldover and a soda announced this.

Oklahoma Farm Report gets the scoop.

Drummond Ranch the Champs- Again!


The 24th annual edition of the “real Deal”- otherwise known as the OCA Range Roundup wrapped up this past Saturday night at the State Fair Arena in Oklahoma City.

This year’s champions have now “threepeated!” For the third year in a row- the Champions of this working cowboy rodeo is the Drummond Ranch of Pawhuska. Second Place was claimed by the Broken Os Ranch of Ft. Supply and capturing third place was the Hall Ranch/Daube Cattle Company of Loco/Ardmore.

Congrats to the Cowboys of Drummond Ranch and the others who helped make the 24th annual edition of the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association Range Roundup a big success

Okay, We’ve tipped the cow

Yes, Dr. Phil went on over; Alma and I and a few others gave him a good push and plop, over he went. We set him (the effigy, dontcha know, up on the crest of a hill . . . and darned if he didn’t roll all the way down.

Then we filed back down the road and into the PBC&R, grabbed ourselves some sodas out of the deep ice cooler and Lydia sat down at the piano, played a few notes and then we all joined in for one of our comforting songs of evening. You can find it HERE and it will start playing right off the bat – just so you know.

And if you’re curious and don’t want to risk disturbing someone, it’s Count Your Blessings.

Experiment: Seeing if song post from my itunes . . . 29-count-your-blessings

Dr. Phil . . . tsk . . . tsk

I’m sitting out here in the little nook off of one of the main rooms at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse and Alma’s in at the counter listening to the little TV . . . and she’s got Dr. Phil on. I have heard snatches. I admit it – just snatches. But Dr. Phil is telling a lady that you can’t expect a kid to follow a rule unless he feels there is a reward in following it. How about this reason as an alternative: When a parent stresses it is important to do something in a certain way – or not to do something – and explains why, than shouldn’t a kid obey that rule because . . . it is the right thing to do? Even if you have to say, “I don’t have time to explain, but trust me when I say you must not eat that cookie,” shouldn’t that be enough. Maybe, for instance, you can’t tell a kid, “That man over there has put arsenic in that cookie but if I tell you there is poison in it, he is going to shoot you,” because you are fairly certain the man is a nut and will pull the trigger, having heard you on his bionic ear.

I think some time in life people just have to recognize the right thing to do for what it is – the right thing to do. And if they don’t want to do it and don’t, then they need to be willing to say they made a conscious choice to do otherwise – to take responsibility for that decision.

And I am going to march right in there and pour myself a stiff Diet Coke and tell Alma and Dr. Phil’s little televised face what I think. And if this town right here where the PBC & R is located is missing its idiot, it is not me. I’m the curmudgeon.

ONE MORE THING: Did I forget to mention that we tip cows in effigy here. We have this fake cow we found when the dairy sign fell down and we like to hang a name around its neck and tip it right over. It’s kind of banged up now; we’ll probably have to solder it soon and add some more paint. But I think it’s got one more  tipping in it before repair is mandatory. I’ll just use my paint to make the sign for its neck.

Dr. Phil