Red piano

I’ll bet you didn’t know this but we have a red upright piano at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse, and we have a pianist who can really tickle the ivories. Her name is Lydia, but we call her . . . because of her spirit . . . . Sparky. And this is her picture – maybe – if we can get it to post.

Well, Sparky looks a little dreamy here; she’s resting from a honky-tonk afternoon. You should see her with her head bent over the keys, her fingers (yes, she has them) bouncing along and her hair getting kind of spiked up like her Cousin Spikey.

Now, you realize, the way we see Sparky is a beyond the regular dimensional parameters. We really don’t have a ragdoll* sitting here drinking soda and providing music; her spirit just comes across that way. And Cousin Spikey? Oh, she comes across in such fantastic dimensional presence that she has to wear a sign to prove she’s the real thing . . . so many have tried to imitate her.

Oh, did I mention Spikey is an angel? But she’s lively!

Oh, nuts, now Newfie is going to want her picture put up.

* Some say we ARE ragdolls and uninspired thinkers just see a dull old regular human.