Okay, We’ve tipped the cow

Yes, Dr. Phil went on over; Alma and I and a few others gave him a good push and plop, over he went. We set him (the effigy, dontcha know, up on the crest of a hill . . . and darned if he didn’t roll all the way down.

Then we filed back down the road and into the PBC&R, grabbed ourselves some sodas out of the deep ice cooler and Lydia sat down at the piano, played a few notes and then we all joined in for one of our comforting songs of evening. You can find it HERE and it will start playing right off the bat – just so you know.

And if you’re curious and don’t want to risk disturbing someone, it’s Count Your Blessings.

Experiment: Seeing if song post from my itunes . . . 29-count-your-blessings