Well, part 3

I have an announcement that I hope does not jinx me: I have unclogged the basement shower drain.
It has been a five day effort, but now the water is flowing nicely. It is not exciting to other people; it is not an announcement such as:
Grandma got a convertible.
Grandma got a Hummer.
Grandma won the lottery.

Not even a
Grandma sent me Amazon money

It is exciting to me. I could almost go down to Logan’s, throw peanut shells on the floor, quaff flavored iced tea, eat a Whiskey River Burger and celebrate Drain Clearing Day.

But, please, no jinx.

Well, part 2

So, I’m back. I’m back because I can’t chase people around talking about Eric Sevareid and reminiscing about the cadence of his commentaries and I didn’t just want to stop with a lonely mini-thought about him. I looked on YouTube and found his farewell essay.

I grew up listening to Eric Sevareid. He’s been gone for 36 years (as a commentator on CBS News) and I miss him in that role. He died in 1992 and that’s 21 years ago. In those 21 years, I wouldn’t say many of his caliber have come of age.

I don’t know if there will be a “Well, part 3” today, but I kind of feel in a mood.


Yes, well, I really have had a bland brain the past couple of days and didn’t have much to say so I didn’t say it. Today is not much different, but I guess I’m not letting that stop me.

I mowed yesterday for the first time with the electric mower – Hey, I’m getting better with managing the cord on the ground and the blades on the mower. Then it rained, as I thought it would, and I felt good that the humpy little yard was leveled off. You understand we’re not talking golf course level here, right? Just basic AmeliaJake level.

But, of course, the thought came: “You know you’ll have to do this again . . . and again . . . and again.”  You know, you’ve got to give it to snow – it will melt eventually. Grass does not shrink and have you ever heard the expression “a snake in the snow” ?