A special friend

When I am seriously taken aback, shaken to my roots, I make mindless errors. Just now, when I  went to type in my user name, I typed “a special friend” because she (JE) was very much on my mind. I was thinking of when we went to Shadowlands at Kenwood Mall and there is this speech by C.S. Lewis, (Anthony Hopkins) :

I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God, it changes me.

She was sitting on my right and after that last sentence, she turned to me, smiling, and softy commented on the truth of it.

I have often returned to that moment and how she looked and what she said . . . and I have found comfort.

One thought on “A special friend”

  1. I was glad to be there and really have never left. Hope things went well today. Love, Joan

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