Careful with those code phrases

I’ve been watching movies about World War II partisans and secret agents receiving coded messages from London since they started running the movies on Frances Farmer Theater (mentioned HERE to the right and just below the picture of Harlow Hickenlooper) and The Late Night Movie and The Afternoon Movie. That’s a lot of years, folks. Of course, I was safe on the floor in front of the TV, not huddled in a cave or cottage while the Nazis zeroed in on the signal. It was so cool. Sometimes it was something like “The bluebird nests in a red birdhouse.” Sometimes it wasn’t a phrase or sentence at all – it would be a particular song of movement of a symphony. And, of course, those of us who went to school back then know the D-Day signal: Wounds my heart with a monotonous languor.

Well, tonight I was typing away with Der Bingle on ichat while watching a show about redwoods and I sent this tidbit of information: The wandering salamander lives in the canopy of the redwood forest. Some of the folks at the Ohio Redoubt of the West Facing Cave were reading over his shoulder and panicked, typing back to me, “Oh my God, the invasion is tonight!!!!”

That was a few hours ago. At that time I envisioned the bears and Grover on the sofa with a laptop computer; now, though, that vision has evolved into them gathered around a big radio behind a fake wall in the Foo Bar listening to the incoming messages. Grover, of course, would be humming La Marseillaise.