Oh, festival, oh festival, your rainy days may be coming

It is raining now; it was raining last night; it is supposed to rain all day and then tomorrow morning and maybe tomorrow afternoon.

The is the weekend of Apple Festival; two years ago the sun was out both days and the temperature was at record highs. The Lutheran folks could only spend 10 minutes a shift at the apple fritter cooking vats. Last year the weather was unremarkable in my memory so I suppose it was suitable weather, but not the Goldilocks “just right” weather we had three years ago.

So, this year it looks like a chilly. rainy Saturday and a chilly – with left over Wet –  Sunday. This is the year to find a spot on the hay bales in the Swine Barn (they call it Settler’s Roost or Open Prairie for Apple Festival) and listen to the Possum Trott Orchestra and other good fiddling groups with nifty names. The craft booths are in the Swine Barn as well, lots of them. That’s where Cameron started the tradition of getting Grandma GiGi (Mother) an Apple Festival birthday present. The first year – even though he was quite little – he summed her up pretty well by stopping in front of a “Grow Dammit” garden sign and pointing out she would like it.

This year she is teetering on how she feels and mentions going on Sunday if the weather is okay. Of course, she hasn’t been feeling well and is spending a lot of time resting and being nagged to eat. BUT, an echocardiogram has shown her heart to be “strong” – let’s hear if for a 65% ejection fraction. Now we are looking at the stomach . . . but that stomach is thinking soft festival pretzel with cheese.

Ack, they tell me I have to drive to to Albion for a court Colin judge conference . . . So I guess I’ll comb my hair.