Keith Olbermann

Okay, I can’t speak for all the folks here at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse . . . because they all want to tell you this themselves. I’m going first. Mr. Olbermann, I think you are obnoxious. You could say you didn’t agree with something, even say, “I strongly disagree” with this person or this action. But, my gosh, you go off on in a massive rant and so, when I saw a clip of you, I turned you off after only a few minutes. I went and checked other things you had said and watched the way you said them and I felt even more strongly about my opinion.

You don’t care that I think this. I understand.

Tom wants to say something now. “Keith, you suck.” . . . . .Tom, Tom, we agreed we weren’t going to use such phrases. Yes, you can say you loathe him. “Okay, Keith, the people here are only going to let me say I loathe you . . . butjustbetweenthetwoofus,yousuck.”

Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom.

We’re going to calm down and reorganize here, Keith.

Sitting all clean

This morning I thought, “Oh, shoot, let’s get this lawn mowed and some branches towed out to the curb and some weeds pulled.” And, woo-hoo, I did it. Didn’t get around to raking or sweeping the driveway, but maybe I’ll hire a grandkid. When I got to the backyard part, I put white lathering cleansing cream on my face like I used to do when I would work up a sweat exercising. That stuff would get down in those pores and really do a great job.

Of course, it looks a little odd, and sometimes I forget and answer the door with it oozing around on my face.  Once someone asked if I were all right . . . took me a minute to figure out why. But, anyway, with the yard stuff sort of done, I went in and showered and shampooed and stretched out on the sitting room sofa (the chicken pox one) so my hair could dry hanging down and maybe encourage my roots to show a little oomph.

Then, then . . . I went for my daytime skin treatment and put on a little of this perfume I use that has the word elixir in the name. I don’t think I would have chosen that word, but whatever.

Now, in twenty minutes, the dastardly grandkids will be coming in  . . . for the entire weekend.  But right now, right this very minute, it is quiet and and pleasant and I am simply luxuriating in it.

So how’s it going . . . ?

Too early to tell, but I think the clock is against me. Last night I cleansed my face and put on Estee Lauder Night Repair, something I haven’t been buying but do have a stock of little sample bottles. Then, walking right off the edge of reason and into my favorite pitfall – is some is good, more is better, I put a lot of their firming moisturizer on my face. Some may have been good; more was definitely goo.

Then I lay there watching TV plucking random hairs off my lip and from my chin – a “feel for a wiry hair, blindly guide the tweezers” operation.

This morning my skin feels soft . .  . and a bit well-oiled. I will soon go remove the remains of the nighttime effort and move on to the chemicals of the day. AND I am resuming my facial exercises; I do them a lot – while sitting, while walking, while mowing, while working on the laptop. I also do them when driving, although people at stop lights in town and others passing by me on narrow rural roads often look disturbed.

I can live with that if slightly pursing my lips and reaching for my nose with them firms my jowl line.