Andromeda Strain

Yes, it was advertised. Yes, I knew it was a remake of the long ago Andromeda Strain. I didn’t think I’d watch it; I figured it just wouldn’t be that good the second time around. But, then, I relented and looked it up on the TV Guide and guess what? It is a two-parter. They drive me crazy. Make me write in short sentences . . . which, I know, is not such a bad thing, since Der Bingle once referred to 200 words as a good start for an AmeliaJake type sentence. Hey, wait, I may be cured. Or not.

It is on at nine. Goes to eleven. It does not end . . . It is going to be continued. Oh, may rats eat my rabbit ears. If I had them.

I am going to console myself with a soduku – a fiendish one from a fiendish book. Or I could hold my breath until I get my way and they show the entire thing. That would show them . . . oh, yeah.