So how’s it going . . . ?

Too early to tell, but I think the clock is against me. Last night I cleansed my face and put on Estee Lauder Night Repair, something I haven’t been buying but do have a stock of little sample bottles. Then, walking right off the edge of reason and into my favorite pitfall – is some is good, more is better, I put a lot of their firming moisturizer on my face. Some may have been good; more was definitely goo.

Then I lay there watching TV plucking random hairs off my lip and from my chin – a “feel for a wiry hair, blindly guide the tweezers” operation.

This morning my skin feels soft . .  . and a bit well-oiled. I will soon go remove the remains of the nighttime effort and move on to the chemicals of the day. AND I am resuming my facial exercises; I do them a lot – while sitting, while walking, while mowing, while working on the laptop. I also do them when driving, although people at stop lights in town and others passing by me on narrow rural roads often look disturbed.

I can live with that if slightly pursing my lips and reaching for my nose with them firms my jowl line.

One thought on “So how’s it going . . . ?”

  1. The bears recommend an exercise called the Bishop’s Bite for controlling double chins. Essentially lean your head back and thrust your lower jaw forward so that you can feel strain on the neck muscles. Hold it for a little bit and repeat. Works better than you would think.

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