Sitting all clean

This morning I thought, “Oh, shoot, let’s get this lawn mowed and some branches towed out to the curb and some weeds pulled.” And, woo-hoo, I did it. Didn’t get around to raking or sweeping the driveway, but maybe I’ll hire a grandkid. When I got to the backyard part, I put white lathering cleansing cream on my face like I used to do when I would work up a sweat exercising. That stuff would get down in those pores and really do a great job.

Of course, it looks a little odd, and sometimes I forget and answer the door with it oozing around on my face.  Once someone asked if I were all right . . . took me a minute to figure out why. But, anyway, with the yard stuff sort of done, I went in and showered and shampooed and stretched out on the sitting room sofa (the chicken pox one) so my hair could dry hanging down and maybe encourage my roots to show a little oomph.

Then, then . . . I went for my daytime skin treatment and put on a little of this perfume I use that has the word elixir in the name. I don’t think I would have chosen that word, but whatever.

Now, in twenty minutes, the dastardly grandkids will be coming in  . . . for the entire weekend.  But right now, right this very minute, it is quiet and and pleasant and I am simply luxuriating in it.