Hello, this is AmeliaJake

Hi there,

I’m been here a couple of times in the last few days, peeked in, sat and had a drink or two and then slipped on out. No one really knew I was here; it was restful.

It has been restful again today. I had intended to write some stuff, say something, as it were, but then something distracted me and I wound up going from one thought to another and then I dozed. So I’m going to continue doing that and assuming a true snuggle position with my cow blanket and my fluffy d

I once had a teacher who when he fell asleep as a student was awakened to hear his professor refer to the arms of Morpheus. He told the class that one day; I imagine he told countless classes that over the years. He was pretty much fresh out of college when he taught us English literature. HA, what a laugh on us. We put him in the teacher category and he was not much more than a kid himself.See, that’s how your mind can hop from one thing to another.

I’ve never forgotten Morpheus. Too bad I didn’t have a story about everything I should have remembered to be educated. He didn’t like Sara Teasdale either. Ah, ST: ”“It is strange how often a heart must be broken
Before the years can make it wise.” ”

I should be back tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Hello, this is AmeliaJake”

  1. But the big question is… do the comments work?

    If not I’ll just harass via email. 🙂

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