Joe Biden again – Oh, crap; oh crap; oh crap

Maybe I’m feeling so brain dead because of what is going on tonight. I just checked the news:

live updates The former vice president notches three early wins. Biden and Sanders are early leaders with Warren in her home state of Massachusetts.

God, will that man just not go away? He is a bozo and one who is even becoming more bozovian. So many are reporting on his mental lapses; his new nickname is the Bidengaffer. Jesus Christ!!! Yes, Daddy, I am that fed up that I am sounding like a real lowlife. One more time for the record: I can’t stand that man.

Oh and he’s always saying his IQ is higher than others and challenging reporters to IQ tests. Well, Joe, sit down and take one; put your one brain cell where your mouth is.

I am so pissed. Jesus Christ, I’m pissed.

Big Fat Fabulous Life

No, not mine, not my life. My life is temporarily in the dumps as I find myself watching the WhitneyThore reality show? Why am I doing this? I have no idea. I actually raked some leaves today, went upstairs and gathered up two big bags of stuff to throw away and sort of vacuumed. I mean I actually moved today and was feeling like “Well, hey, lets just pretend youth is still here.”

And now I have turned on this crummy show and I am paying it some attention. And the worse news: there’s an announcement that “I am Jazz” is coming on next. Now if I want to find out anything about Jazz, I want graphic, education facts – not some reference to “bottom” surgery. Remember when that type of surgery meant hemorrhoids? Gosh darn it, I spelled that correctly and the computer keeps redlining it. Maybe it just doesn’t feel AmeliaJake ought to talk about piles. Oh, groan.

Let us hope this is a low point in my mindset and not the slide into a “Say Yes to the Dress” marathon.