Big Fat Fabulous Life

No, not mine, not my life. My life is temporarily in the dumps as I find myself watching the WhitneyThore reality show? Why am I doing this? I have no idea. I actually raked some leaves today, went upstairs and gathered up two big bags of stuff to throw away and sort of vacuumed. I mean I actually moved today and was feeling like “Well, hey, lets just pretend youth is still here.”

And now I have turned on this crummy show and I am paying it some attention. And the worse news: there’s an announcement that “I am Jazz” is coming on next. Now if I want to find out anything about Jazz, I want graphic, education facts – not some reference to “bottom” surgery. Remember when that type of surgery meant hemorrhoids? Gosh darn it, I spelled that correctly and the computer keeps redlining it. Maybe it just doesn’t feel AmeliaJake ought to talk about piles. Oh, groan.

Let us hope this is a low point in my mindset and not the slide into a “Say Yes to the Dress” marathon.