And I find myself back here

I’m here because I’m comfortable here, although I’m going to have to wander around a bit for it to feel really at home. I don’t know why I changed the format. I don’t like it; I liked my clutter. I liked links to things gathered on one page.

I don’t know if I’m going to retro the whole thing or try to work out some compromise. Well, what I need to do is to start writing some stuff that isn’t fluff. I don’t mean profound thoughts; I just mean writing what I am thinking.

I am sick and tired of goody-two-shoes words, world peace wishes, and anti-Trump bandwagon rants. I want to mention something without anyone screaming, “Oh, we can’t talk about that.”  For Christ’s sake, we are what we are and in no way has evolution made us angels.

Just as an aside, do the fans at sports games stand and cheer for each team?