A long break

Well, my little chickadees. I have been on hiatus. Not really, of course, but it sounds so much better than saying I have been lazy. Not much has been happening and that is my fault; I have been doing nothing – and I have been doing that diligently.

Lord, I do not look forward to the election next year now that Facebook and Twitter are going super full force. Everyone and their brother has already started posting unpleasant memes. It is a stampede of those who believe if you want to get your point across you should SHOUT and INTERRUPT, and if necessary, do it louder.

Perhaps I should not have just said “brother” now that the Episcopal Church has some announcement about not using He as a God reference. So would it be every brother, sister, in-law, inter-sexed and so forth?

I would bang my head against the wall, but then I would look like Dilbert. Understand by clicking. Then, again, it might be an improvement.