Tyler, Texas Half-Marathon winner – Special Class


This is Orange, although Orange is her code name – her real name is sealed in the files of the Very Secret Stuff Office. She decided to get some exercise and participated in the Tyler, Texas Half marathon this past week-end. Her time was 4 minutes and 32 seconds, most of which was peeling herself off building along the course. Look at the route and I think you can see why.

tyler route

Yes, a lot of really sharp turns and when you’re going so very, very fast – the broom helped, turbo-charged, dontcha know, sometimes you just can’t keep from kissing concrete.

The officials did not know what to do with someone who turned in such a spectacular time, so they gave her first prize in a “special” category. That happens a lot to Orange. In an interview, she disclosed that she works in the off-season as one of Santa’s covert elves since she can cover so much territory so fast.

In this computer age, she wears a camera and has a chip embedded to help keep all her designations of naughty and nice and the variations thereof safely on record. So be watching the skies . . . and your windows. Orange suggests, “You really do want to be good.”

2 thoughts on “Tyler, Texas Half-Marathon winner – Special Class”

  1. So that explains the sudden gust of wind that passed me at the first turn. There was this WHOOSH and an orange blur and everyone gasped but I was busy waving at my husband hoping he’d get a picture of me while I was still mostly upright so I missed exactly who it was. I’m glad to see that it wasn’t my imagination. I usually don’t start hallucinating until mile 12. Congrats to “Orange”. By the way, is she going to fix the corner of the bank building that she took off when she almost missed that final corner?

  2. Hi, this is Orange. You know, the bank notified me that they are going to include a plaque in the repairs, reading, Orange was Here. And they sent me a check as special thanks for blessing their building; of course, I donated it to The Stitch and Patch Hospital for Fabric People. I don’t know when I will be in another marathon event – uh, maybe you could keep me up-to-date on good ones. We could get out picture taken together!

    AmeliaJake asked me to express her failing to get involved in the Scrabble process; at first the app was troublesome and then she got re-addicted to Sudoku puzzles. Guido likes to change some of the numbers before she gets the paper – Friday through Sunday are the more difficult ones. I think he is asking to have the bell rung in his belfry, but it is so hard to keep him from his little pranks. He was subdued for awhile, however, when some foreign students moved into the apartment across the way in Fairborn and played cricket in their living room with the drapes open. One of them spied him on the balcony and thought he was an errant cricket ball, so he had to go in hiding. For all of his bravado, he is kind of wimpy and won’t enter any races with me. He claims it’s because they are not at night. Yeah, right, Guido.

    AJ says I like to talk a lot and Rose complains I keep interrupting her. Well, I have to go now and practice Broom Maneuvers: we have a major show coming up and don’t want to risk a brush with disaster. Would you like free passes to see it from the VIP seats? I usually fly in the lead position and am rated #1 at high speed dives, with a pull-out at three inches. Well, seeya.

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