So, I am back from being abducted

Of course, I indicated I was going to Iowa, and I even have pictures of being there, uy of course they are fake. I was abducted and probed and returned (do not read rejected) to my present identity. The, The Alens, found me to be such an intereting specimen that I was puy into the “Yo Be Observed” category.

I only let you in on this so you can guard what you tell me regarding UFOs, for your own good. This post may or may noty self-destruct at any time.

Typing this has been a bit of a challenge because I havr an oversized bandaid on my finger. This injury did not result from Alien probinh, but from careless use of a butter knife. Yes. I may be fascinating to Aliens, but it apparently has nothing to do with dexterity, or general competence with my body. That was obvious to anyone watching me with a Great Dane year old dog whose snout was above my elbow.

This undoubtedly reads like total drivel, but i am assured it is a temporary hangover effect of the Alien Experience.

In Iowa

I drove a good bit of thr way out here and did not get a ticket; I did not speed. I have been eating and sipping and eating some more.

Right now we are in the middle of a Turner Classic Movie Film Noir day. The next one is “Thry Live at Night” and I’m a little worried. Last night I had horrible nightmares and beings that live at night does not promise sweet dreams.

On the other hand

So another post, right after the “look for me when you see me” one? I’m off to Fairborn and then to Iowa. I’m taking so much stuff; now why am I doing that? I guess it is because I can and because it’s a car trip and I don’t have to worry about overhead bins or under the seat luggage. Now I just have to get where I’m going without a ticket – the speeding kind, oh, and getting back without one. Of course, I don’t think I’ll be driving much when I’m with Der Bingle – he is an in your face backseat driver. The problem with me being a passenger is that I am almost never a passenger and, second, I get car sick if I focus on anything other than the passing countryside. It occurs to me that I should document this trip with photos out the window; hey, they are digital.

I probably should stay away from selfies – me with the blurred background behind me. Guido is going; yes, he is going to roam – just a little inside joke for someone.