On the other hand

So another post, right after the “look for me when you see me” one? I’m off to Fairborn and then to Iowa. I’m taking so much stuff; now why am I doing that? I guess it is because I can and because it’s a car trip and I don’t have to worry about overhead bins or under the seat luggage. Now I just have to get where I’m going without a ticket – the speeding kind, oh, and getting back without one. Of course, I don’t think I’ll be driving much when I’m with Der Bingle – he is an in your face backseat driver. The problem with me being a passenger is that I am almost never a passenger and, second, I get car sick if I focus on anything other than the passing countryside. It occurs to me that I should document this trip with photos out the window; hey, they are digital.

I probably should stay away from selfies – me with the blurred background behind me. Guido is going; yes, he is going to roam – just a little inside joke for someone.