Sleepy eyes

This morning could be the start of an active day, but I doubt it. I have sleepy eyes and I have been awake for at least three hours. I think sleepy eyes is an undocumented syndrome accompanied by overall lassitude.

This is a common theme for me but perhaps that is part of the syndrome. I may believe if I type the syndrome enough times it will become The Syndrome and edge close to official.

About a month ago something happened to someone else that was totally unexpected and it has left me off-balance. I wrote about it; it was Susie’s heart attack.Yes, I felt so bad for her and, yes, I experienced the feeling that it brushed so close to me, but I honestly cannot pinpoint a reason that it has left me with he continuing sensation of that moment after someone sneaks up on you and yells, “Boo!”

I’ve stood looking at cards, sat looking at a blank screen on my computer and felt unable to find a way of expressing my concern to her. I know the heart attack is not going to unhappen and I know it is she, not I, who has had to march on through this.

It may be that writing this has helped me stop behaving psychologically like the character in Gone With the Wind who repeatedly shouts, “Miss Scarlet, I ain’t never delivered no babies . . .”

We’ll see.