Kindle Unlimited

I am trying out the unlimited reading program offerred by Amazon’s Kindle and I am going to claim that Amazon has played the role of enabler in my compulsion to avoid housework and chores in general. That may not be accurate, but it’s what I’m saying.

I am staring at a dotted red line in the first line of this post; the spelling Nazi wants me to remove the fourth “r” from offerred. I know that is the new computer spelling policy, but I always liked that “r” and I feel I owe it some loyalty. Of course, if the world runs short of “r’s” I guess I will have to take some of the responsibility. I can live with that.

But back to the unlimited reading. I am going to read now, but I must vow to stop early and go to sleep because Shane has his appointment tomorrow morning and we have to give him some early  pre-appointment medicine. It is going to be difficult because he has decided that he does not want anything squirted into his mouth. Why, I don’t know. Well, maybe I do; it could be because he is obstinate. Those jaws just clamp right down. He seems to get new quirks regularly, which worries me as to what might be coming next.

An increasingly eccentric AmeliaJake and an increasingly eccentric Shane may achieve critical mass. We’ll just need to time it for New Year’s Eve or the Fourth of July.

Glad it’s the real morning

I had a nightmare last night, not the monster kind, but the type in which the scenario is edgy, to say the least. I woke up in this dream, thinking, Oh, I was dreaming, only to realize I had gone to sleep in the dream and awoken in it. If I had been unsettled before by the odd goings-on, including being in California in August and finding it snowing, the fake wake-up was really scary. Dead relatives were in it, including an aunt who had a large topless and bottomless Campbell’s  soup can on her foot because a doctor had prescribed it for a crooked foot.

Then there was the unknown toddler thing: A girl wandering around on unsteady legs. I was supposed to go to a school, but I couldn’t get the administration to acknowledge my presence. (That segment has been in my dreams before.) And, on top of everything – literally as well figuratively –  the curtains were failing down all over the place as the snow blew around outside.

I did not believe when I went to sleep last night I would be so glad to truly wake up to a request for help from the guy who badly sprained/possible re-injured his totally screwed-up bone and metal formerly broken lower leg/ankle just two days ago.

Monday Shane goes to the vet again; then in the afternoon, Mother’s cat has an appointment. My grass isn’t growing, but the weeds are . . . GRUMBLE; and this is not my year for tomato production: DRAT. It’s all better than the unknown toddler, the snow, and the school that was a deaf Horton who could not hear this AmeliaJake Who.