
That’s all I could manage, that one word – dandelions – after I looked at the front yard yesterday and saw yellow things all over. I had just mowed that area on Tuesday! But there they were; I believe they like to lurk and then spring forth. This morning I pulled the mower out again and found out many of them were just actually very close to the ground; they were under the blades of the mower. I was not happy, but since the electric mower is incredibly easy to lower and raise in height, when I came to a patch, I pushed the level and scalped them. I must have had a terrible look on my face because even I, preoccupied by the little nasties, could feel my eyebrows crunch down, my lips press together and my jaw clench.

Of course, I remember a while back I did have to acknowledge the benefits of dandelions – sigh – but, drat, there are so . . . YELLOW.

One thought on “Dandelions”

  1. I too battled dandelions yesterday. I dug 30 or so from my garden.
    Years ago, our Dear Neighbor had a pristine lawn. She kept all weeds out of it, including dandelions. Our lawn, however, was a field of yellow every spring. We were young and had other things to worry about. One day, Dear Neighbor came to our door and asked if she could dig some dandelions from our lawn. We laughed and told her to dig them all if she wanted to. But she only wanted the tender ones for dandelion greens. Every spring she would come into our yard and dig up greens for a few weeks. I guess this was one of the ways we lived in harmony for 30 years.
    We now have the pristine lawn and battle dandelions like everyone else. But every spring as I dig my first one from my garden I think of our Dear Neighbor and how I miss her.

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