Warming up

Because circumstances threw me off the LaGrange mowing schedule, the grass was high – and in the north part, it was the first mowing of the year. So . . . I had to do it AND IT WAS CLOUDY, COLD AND WINDY. It felt like 37 and I wore a shirt, a sweatshirt, a windbreaker over it . . . and gloves. The really distinctive aspect of my appearance was both hoods were up and with strings pulled tight. My face was a circle of two eyes, nose and mouth – not even a chin.

Because the grass was high and, in some parts not previously mowed this season, I had to go very slowly to baby the motor and not be surprised by over-the-winter debris hiding under the green waves.  That translates into about nine hours of chugging.

Yes, I am trolling for pity . . . Rose frowned – not an easy task for her – and told me to buck up and shut up.