It’s relative

I stepped on the scale tonight and groaned. Three months ago I would have looked at the same number and been ecstatic. Well, a little bit at a time . . . and adjusting to a YMCA schedule as opposed to early morning or late evening walking.

Turning the crank in my back so I can get my second wind at this weight loss business . . .hahahhahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah

Sorry. I’m a little giddy this evening; there’s no reason for it. If anything, I should be irritated by the book I’m reading – it’s a free spy book with the most beautiful and smartest and most talented spy-ess and “never mind how implausible, let’s just pretend” plot. Still, I have read about a third of it. And why? It’s probably akin to watching the grass grow.

I need to get another passtime – like watching Wanda Wrestling. I know, only a couple of people understand that remark, which is how I plan on staying alive. Oh, that I could post the picture . . .

2 thoughts on “It’s relative”

  1. I thought Wanda was married. Obviously not settled down though…..

    I got started on a new book and was enjoying Scotland in the 1700s when POW! Out of nowhere – sex scene. Wow. Had to put it down and it kind of scares me now. I don’t know what might be on the next page. I’m thinking the grass might be a better option for me.

    I did remove a tree stump this week. Lots of chopping and hacking and digging but I did it. Do you have any tree stumps that need demolishing? They can be more productive that grass growing, or watching Wanda.

  2. Everyday I do the 20 minute Wanda Workout, which involves lugging a 40 lb bowl of ‘tater salad and yelling at everyone within earshot.

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