Bears in Indiana

The other day a woman who used to live in Missouri said that people had told her there were bears in Indiana.  I didn’t think there were, but saw no need to say anything in the situation. However, working on the premise that “AmeliaJake doesn’t know everything”, I did a Google search.

The bears are gone, according to the powers that be. One man thought he saw one and called the DNR, but they didn’t believe him. He was quoted as saying, “I know a bear when I see one.” Apparently, the DNR person said, “No, you don’t.”

There was a surprise for me in Google, though; there are Air Bears in Indiana. The Air Bears are a jump rope club and even offer to provide unique entertainment.  It was surprising to me, but I can see how coordinated young (or fit older) women could enjoy working out the routines.


I am not coordinated – clapping along with the beat is hard for me – and I envisioned me holding one end of the rope while and causing one person after another to face plant themselves as they attempted maneuvers inside the erratically rotating rope.

Then I envisioned the person at the other end of the rope walking toward me and tying me up, assisted by all the bruised face planters.