Sunny Saturday Morning

Not too long ago, I said I was going to start titling posts in a manner that would allow me to find them with less guesswork in the archives. That didn’t last long; so I guess this could be any given sunny Saturday morning – whether I ramble a few sentences or make a momentous announcement.

By the way, this is not the latter, and given what I have written already, I guess it is a rambler.

Our Rambling Rose, now that I have stumbled my thoughts in her direction is doing better; she spent a couple of days snuggled in a Healing Blanket cocoon and last night Der Bingle counseled her. Pernilla, whose picture I have not shown here yet, accompanied Der Bingle for the purpose of “whipping me into shape” and did pack her whip.

Pernilla is an organizer – a strict one. She is Swedish, but has incorporated her own version of “keeping a stiff upper lip” into her guidelines for the behavior of  those in the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse and the Ohio Redoubt of the West Facing Cave. However, she is not opposed to the swollen upper lip method to persuade one to toe the mark.

Oh, look, Der Bingle had a picture of the Big P on his phone:

I guess I’ll wait to see how this goes over before I add any more comments about Pernilla, assuming my fingers can still work the keyboard.

UPDATE: Ah, Der Bingle felt we should show Pernilla full-figure so he sent me another picture – one with her sitting in Two Moo’s arms. Actually, when I opened the email, her picture was 90 degrees off . . . sort of looked as if she were “laid out”. (That observation might be an oops on my part.)


One thought on “Sunny Saturday Morning”

  1. We all could use a Pernilla every now and then. Tell Rose that Pernilla means well, she just probably has a problem with slackers. Right now, however, Rose isn’t slacking she’s probably just getting ready, isn’t she?

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