Yankee Candle – bet there’s no sale on these

Because I order Yankee Candles online, I get a lot of emails notifying me of sales. I take advantage of the semi-annual ones – six for $69. I doubt these four fragrances – or should I call them smells? – will go on sale.

No, they are too much of a novelty for women to buy for sons, husbands and fathers. I am a little uncertain about the Man Town scent, but actually, Riding Mower and 2×4 don’t sound bad. First Down is supposed to include the smell of leather, but a lot of other things could be included: sweat, spilled sour beer, over-used recliners . . .

One thought on “Yankee Candle – bet there’s no sale on these”

  1. I saw these on GMA recently. Sound gruesome. I emailed my sister about them, describing in detail. After four replies, she never did get it. I guess I can see why.

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