I am watching the Indianapolis 500

But I have just been doing that since noon; where have I been before that? Beats me, I thought I had posted at least twice. Do you suppose I dreamed it? Well, since I see nothing posted, I must assume there was a glitch and you know what? I’ll bet they were the best two posts I have ever written – maybe literary award quality. Oh, well, the perfidious aspects of computer publishing.

Oh, then, maybe I just wasn’t paying attention to the passage of time. Ah, let’s go with the explanation in the first paragraph.

All the graves have been flowered. I stood there alone in front of each one. A lot of emotions bounced around in my head. There were some tears.

Only 34 more laps to go. I think I liked it better when the cars were slower. And do you believe this, but they went to commercial for a promo about “Wipe Out” – a show about people trying stunts that result in body whacking.

Another commercial!! Caution flag out and 30 laps to go.
29 to go.
20 laps to go.
We will pause now while I watch closely and Two Moo prepares the bottle of milk for the winner.
OOPS, Marco A. will not win today.


And I’m off to the kitchen