Is this New Year’s Eve?

It didn’t really dawn on me until about four this afternoon that tonight was New Year’s Eve. Do you know why? Because I was run  over by the flu truck yesterday. I have had about 10 little Wheat Thin crackers in the past two hours, before that -nothing. I did not have the violent vomiting episode . . . and I hope I am not going to get it . . . but I did endure a spell (Graphic Content Ahead) when nothing wanted to go down my esophagus and the only things that came up were belches and burps. At one point, my mouth was so dry, I took a couple of swallows of water and then burped it up through my fingers. (I warned you.)

I feel punched all over and there are frequent notifications from my intestinal tract, but I have pulled the blanket off of my head. Last night it felt as if every noise was setting my nerves on edge – the ones in my head and the ones that go creepy, crawly sometimes under your skin. Tonight I am relaxed like a rag, and I’ll tell you, sometimes that ain’t half bad.