Chance of rain

We have a 60% chance of rain today and, actually, right now it is getting still, more cloudy than it was – and I think I can smell the rain. If one didn’t get used to smells, I am certain I could smell me; I exerted quite a bit last evening, sweated and dozed off sitting up reading before I was to shower.

Now I am sitting up again, still planning to shower – pretty much immediately. But first I checked on the weather report and because I am so bored with the day after day repetitiveness of showering I am considering standing outside with shampoo and body gel and waiting for the rain.

I haven’t decided about the clothing part yet.

I knew someone to throw a red blanket on this developing idea – to rain on my parade – to douse the flame of the idea – to nip it in the bud. Wait. The bud? What is going to happen to my bud? Where is my bud, by the way?

Okay, I am going to shower the old fashioned way and I will look for nip marks so I can identify my bud. Of course, if it were the nip and tuck of plastic surgery . . .

ACK! So it is with my mind in this gear that I start my day; I’m the only one who knows it at this time,  though. Everyone else is just innocently going about their day, not knowing an AmeliaJake is at  High Kookdom  level and is lurking among them. I imagine soon they will start wearing detection badges such as those that indicate how much radiation you’ve been exposed to.

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