Sometimes things go wrong

Okay, this isn’t about us here, but I didn’t want to put Pioneer Woman in the post title. She’s a controversial figure in the world of personal blogging. For any male readers: just believe me about this. Actually, she has moved way beyond personal blogging to being a brand blogger and is going to be on the Food Network.

What has prompted me to write this morning is two-fold.

She posted a “recipe” that consists of putting Kristy Kreme doughnuts in a an over set at 300 degrees for 10 minutes, placing them in a bowl and serving them. People have tried to replicate this and disaster has resulted – big time. So much disaster that the bowl part and serving them should not even be considered. Although the Pioneer Woman often posts of embarrassing situations in her past, she has not once updated the Krispy Kreme post to even hint that there might be a problem – that perhaps, just perhaps – she was wrong. Not even a disclaimer: I am a trained professional; do not try this at home.

One of the mantras of the Pioneer Woman is “keeping it real” and I find it insulting that she cannot or will not acknowledge that something might have gone wrong. Mistakes happen. I don’t mind her doughnut post; I don’t like the fact that she has not acknowledged the failed attempts at duplication. (In fact, come to think of it, I have not seen any posts from her millions of fans that show pictures of successfully duplicating it.)

What would be wrong with saying, “Oops, let’s look at that again.” She could get a funny story out of it.

The second factor prompting this post is that she has featured her dog Charlie in countless posts and countless photographs. She even wrote a kids’ book about him. Then the family ran over him in an SUV – not on purpose, of course. I know about this from reading another blogger’s post. I went to the Pioneer Woman site and did see that she had a short post about having done so in the recent past. She said she wouldn’t bother the reader with any details and Charlie recovered.

I would think “The Running Over of Charlie” should feature prominently in her blog. She has followed his life in detail and endeared him to her fans . . . but Charlie being run over is a footnote. A “never mind, moving on” post?

Well, that’s it.