A little bit of review

I came across a picture of Newfie – Who is “Newfie?” you ask. Well, here she is:

Here’s the last part of the above linked post:

Newfie is a Raggedy Ann type of d__l. Technically, she is from the Noo branch of the family, the Woos being from China, the Foos sweet and a little funloving, the Spoofs are beach girls who use Val Speak, the Spiffies have good heads on their shoulders and are quiet and demure. The list could go on.

Noo has always been a pleasant little thing, but sometimes it seems she is a little quirky, like a clock that keeps its own time. Sort of like the Newfoundland Time Zone that is 30 minutes “off” – that is, right smack in the middle of Atlantic Time and Eastern Time.

That is how we realized that we had misunderstood: she was not a Noofie, but a Newfie. Actually, I have a friend who lived a great deal of her life in Canada and she used to smile and say the folks in Quebec and Ontario referred the the Newfoundland folks as “Newfies” and her smile turned rather impish.

But to get to this morning’s occurrence, driving back form taking my daughter-in-law to work, I spied a cute little copperish-orange mini SUV (or would that be suv) in front of me and the license plate said “NEWFIE 6”. As we came to an intersection, the NEWFIE vehicle number 6 went on through the yellow light and left me sitting at the red. I guess she was on to me.

So, maybe Newfie is not what she seems; maybe she travels in a big fancy RV licensed “NEWFIE 1” and the little cars run around doing her errands – like getting early morning doughnuts. And just because I saw “6” doesn’t mean there are only that many in the fleet . . . She could have an empire.

Gosh, maybe Newfie is from Manitoba . . . Nah, not our little Newf.

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