And so now?

Sydney’s was a link to so many things – Quentin and I got him when he was six months old. As a puppy he would run around at full speed and then jump on the bed and fall over 90 degrees in one unified motion. The first time he did it, it scared me . . . but he had just decided time for a nap.

He was in Little Ann’s shadow a lot, but I think he kind of used it to get his own special attention. He shared milestone moments with me, including  the last lucid periods of my parents’ lives. He was there with me as life happened around me. He was sitting by me when I picked up my phone and learned in April that my husband’s niece had died. I sat there stunned and he cocked his head back and forth trying to understand.

I don’t know what I thought he was – some divine link holding parts of my life together? He always got better when he was sick . . . and then this weekend he didn’t get sick – he had a catastrophic failure and he stopped. And that was that.

But, Sydney, you were a part of my life that spanned my world changing and now you are gone and I feel alone. So, what now?

I guess I’ll just post about some little things and not wander into that area where I think: “Gee, what would happen if I pulled this switch, turned this knob, opened that door?”

Baby Steps. Ah, see, Sydney, I have not lost my humor . . . Bill Murray, dontcha know.


These last couple of posts have been in the font I’ve always had, but the ones before somehow morphed into a stronger one. I have no idea why. Well, I tried to update WordPress and they said, ACH, nein, my little fraulein, your server is not supporting PHP 5.2 so you are in maintenance mode.  One thing led to another and I was advised to click a certain box in the PHPconfigure part of the control panel.

Now, I have this situation, which isn’t anything at all – except I’m thinking maybe I like the stronger font better. I think I’ll let it ride for awhile. Who knows what evil lurks in the code of a blog.