Another June gone

July 1st. Already days are getting shorter – after six decades of living, I think I figured this out, if not too much else. So July . . . what do you have in store for us? I’m asking because I, moi, have made no plans. No plans for a cook-out on the Fourth, no plans for fireworks, no plans for Der Bingle’s birthday later this month. But then, again, that is my normal modus operandi.

I am supposed the help Someone today with the outline for a paper; I hate outlines – especially that old rule about you can’t have an “a)” without a “b) ‘ – because my mind does not want to work that way. I think most of the time I would write the outline after the paper – although often I was foiled by teachers wanting to SEE the outline before the paper was written.

And now here I am again with another blanking outline. And what is worse – I am a consultant. That means I will  be asked to come up with ideas that are going to be rejected out of hand, if not openly mocked. It’s Someone’s online class and the instructor is throwing words such as “culture” around without specifying the scope of the definition.

Oh, wait. Der Bingle will be home tonight and tomorrow maybe he and Someone can put their heads together . . . because we all know: “Grandpa is smarter than you, Grandma.”

Oh, look . . . July 1st fireworks.

4 thoughts on “Another June gone”

  1. My grandkids say Papa is SO MUCH MORE FUN THAN NANA! I’m not sure which I would rather be at my age, more fun or smarter. Have a good Fourth whatever you decide to do. I have no plans either. We used to party and drink a lot on the fourth and then go into work the next day hung over. We were young, and stupid. Now we are old and smart. Again I’m not sure which option is better.

  2. I am the designated “mean grandma” in every family. Seriously, what do I do to deserve that designation? Can I not be the “sweet” grandma? The “special” grandma? or even Baba? All the other grandmas get those names… but I get “mean grandma” *sigh*

    I am thinking it has to do with the fact that I see them all often, I discipline and I don’t give them candy without mom’s permission. That and the occasional evil eye……

    Our fourth will be spent 1) tearing out a wall to find a leaking water pipe. and 2) recovering from said tear out in the pool with the urchin grandchildren.

  3. Potter Mom
    Oh my, sounds too much like work. As for the mean Grandma thing, that’s me too. I follow the rules as assigned by the children’s parents, this makes me “no fun” in the grandkids eyes. However, my daughters-in-law think I’m great. Again which is the better option? I’m not sure.

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