I woke up this morning thinking about what a counselor had said some years ago about a college in the area: “They had the first peace program.”  In addition,  a whole lot of colleges were giving military recruiters  grief for having booths on campus. Along with that, I remembered reading about graduates from some colleges announcing that they would not work for businesses  that they considered exploitive and other negative adjectives.

I talked with Quentin and remarked that some jobs required tough decisions; did these people with an alleged conscience and top-college intellectual prowess expect second-raters to make the best decisions in a non-Pollyanna world. Sort of an ‘I’m too moral to associate myself with reality’ so we’ll just let the weasels really take advantage’ mindset?

Seriously, I’m not just grumbling around here. Think about it.

One thought on “”

  1. That is an interesting thought. I’m of the opinion that people who talk about a peaceful solution seem to forget that the other side has to want one too. I applaud and admire all our military, police, and firemen. No, I don’t want to do those jobs, but yes I want the best minds available protecting my nation and it’s resources. I also want the best minds at the heads of these organizations, making the decisions. It takes courage to go against the status quo. In the sixties it took courage to go against the peace movement. I am thankful for all those that did.

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