Three hours ago I was sweaty

Actually, I was sweaty up until about 30 minutes ago when I showered and was mortified to learn that I had used a shower gel called SNAKE PEEL. I don’t know; it was there and it was orange and without my glasses on I thought it said SHAKE WELL.

But then it is Friday the 13th and I did see a real snake today when Summer and I mowed at Mother’s. We had totally forgotten the date, though, and so the snake nor the incident of the belt coming off the Wheel Horse didn’t seem preordained. The grass had grown more than I expected and so we mowed more than we had intended – the ‘old mow the front and east part’ strategy gave way to ‘mow until your butt hurts soooo bad’ plan. We didn’t know this was the strategy at the time but it turned out to be a determining factor. And, of course, rain was in the prediction so we decided we had better hurry and get the mowers  put away. (snicker)

I thought about the comments I received regarding Pioneer Woman and Chef Ramsay while I was mowing.  It would be an interesting encounter. Ramsay does have a bit of an accent so I suppose for clarity’s sake, his voice will be P-Dubbed in.

Why look there, Mildred. His lips don’t seem to match the words. Odd, isn’t it, how excited and red his face was when he said, “My, my, this is certainly a lovely risotto.”

But on with the day . . . we stopped by the cemetery and a black squirrel crossed our path and then we turned up Fawn River Road but had to turn around because a big wreck had just happened. That’s when we realized it was Friday the 13th.

Summer pointed out that we had been lucky: The belt went back on; we had taken extra gas; the snake was a little garter one; black squirrels are all over the Sturgis Cemetery; we weren’t in the spot of the wreck a few seconds earlier when it occurred. I told her to knock on wood because we still had to get home. We should carry wood in our Buick because I did get home but I took a shower with SNAKE PEEL.

You don’t suppose it could be some sort of retribution for the spark plug do-da-doo-da-dooing, do you?

5 thoughts on “Three hours ago I was sweaty”

  1. Absolutely, absolutely! As my kind of crazy brother-in-law would say “karma, karma”. As opposed to what my really crazy brother-in-law would say “what spark plug?” ( he has really good “medicine”). But seriously, isn’t nice to sweat after the winter we’ve had?

  2. I just looked at my last two comments. I probably shouldn’t have used the word crazy. It was a little insensitive. Maybe flawed would have been a better adjective.

  3. I don’t know – we use “crazy” at our house as sort of a compliment. People often come to me for one of those “it’s so crazy, it might just work” ideas.

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