They’re back . . .


Hello. I have expressed this BEFORE and I am doing it again: They are plastic and they are garish. I don’t care for plastic flowers, but I can deal with them, imagining the people who place them on graves can’t afford real flowers. But, for goodness sake, what is it with the manufacturers and these colors? What must the Chinese workers think of us?

Oh, are these for Easter? Well, they are still ugly. That’s my opinion.


5 thoughts on “They’re back . . .”

  1. I agree. Plastic flowers on my grave are one of the reasons I will be cremated. That and the fear no one would come visit my grave or those that visit would dance on it.

  2. I think I will be cremated. Had my mother outlived me, I would have been buried because she was uncomfortable with the idea of cremation.

  3. I have told my kids time and time again to cremate me and use me on the tomato plants. Good fertilizer…. they refuse, say that would be just gross to think they were eating mom for lunch…. so we’ve settled on the rose bushes. My daughter says I’m a bloomin’ idiot some days anyway.

  4. Ha! My industrial designer husband always wonders what the Chinese must think of us. The mountains of useless, cheap, plastic junk that we import from over there is absurd.

    Don’t like the plastic flowers either. Especially don’t like to see them in WINDOW BOXES!

  5. I know some white trash by marrige kin folk who love this kind of crapola………….. for me a chock full o nuts can off pacific beach and watch for a BIG green flash… poof…

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