The sun! The sun!

Feels like 32 this morning. Supposed to be a high of 54. My sentences are short, which, according to Der Bingle, is a rarity. Oops . . . Looks like AmeliaJake is returning to her usual self, and, actually the first two things with periods after them in this post are phrases, not sentences at all.

I once read that Alan Greenspan says his IQ is 20 points higher in the morning than the afternoon; it is looking like I wake up at 3:47 pm every day.

I am the only one here who is not sick; everyone is saying, “so far” to me when I remark on it. I keep telling them to stay away, which has its own benefits. Yesterday I started cleaning the garage and now all these potential helpers are down and out. In fact, as I started working in the garage, Summer opened the door and told me her throat was scratchy. Hmmmm.

I woke from a nightmare this morning in which I was venomously yelling at people in the house and other people who had come in the house for a meeting . . . You’d think my throat would be sore, come to think of it.  But it’s not.

Now let’s hope I haven’t jinxed myself. Of course, even if it gets sore, I don’t have to tell anyone. No reason I should join the symptom-talking chicken noodle pack when I can just keep quiet and be off by myself.

And, as an added bonus, the sun is supposed to be out all day today. So, let me enjoy this blue sky, although I think I will keep a ten foot pole close at hand.

BACK! BACK! YOU SICK FIENDS. Hey, I never claimed to be Mother Teresa.

2 thoughts on “The sun! The sun!”

  1. Ahh THE SUN! OLD SOL! THAT BIG YELLOW THING IN THE SKY! Yes I am yelling, because I am so happy to see it. “Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy” how true. Now if the temperature would just get above seventy degrees we might have Spring.
    As for being sick, if you take care of them, they should take care of you, right? Why doesn’t it ever work out that way?
    I say, work in the garage alone, that way you can throw away whatever you want without a discussion on why it should be kept.

  2. YES! You and I share the same attitude about cleaning when it involves getting rid of stuff. We need a code word for it – or a phrase. Something from a famous speech? A poem? A little tune to hum? No, not the last one – I’m tone deaf.

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