Take a knee

This is not football talk – although I did hear that Indianapolis would have actually won a game had not Manning thrown two interceptions and should probable take a knee in prayer. Oooh, long sort of sarcastic digression there. Sorry.

I was headed out through the back vestibule when I felt my foot catch on something and the next thing I knew my knee was slamming into concrete and my upper body was somewhat cushioned by the vestibule woodpile that gave way in an avalanche with me on top as I hit.

It was exciting. Turned out my foot had slid into an almost empty 12 pack soda box. It was sort of being struck by a big clown foot attack.

But since I was on my way to pick up Sydney who was at the vet’s not for boarding, but suspected pancreatitis, I shook it off and limped* on. And, yes, his enzymes were up – the blood tests from the day before confirmed it. He has had a new antibiotic shot that is effective for 14 days and was bathed and sent home with a vial of tramadol pain pills.

You have to be careful with an older dog; they don’t look like they are that old and it is tempting to just do what you normally did when they were feeling their oats  – sort of like Shane is now. I wanted to spiff him up here at home with a fire in the den for warm drying.  But you can’t just manhandle him the way we pin Shane to the floor. So he got super clean at the vet’s. (I have this thing that if you are clean you feel better – although I think it is mainly true in minor illnesses.)

I brought him home and he lay at the end of the sofa and I combed out any loose hair; he looks soft and cuddly. He’ll go in on Friday for a recheck of his belly and then next week we’ll recheck the enzymes.

Putting  the old red and black penguin sweater to good use.

I am going to try very hard to get a wreath over to Mrs. Feller’s today; I may just take the angel wreath I made last year with a few festive colors thrown in. I don’t know – I’ll play it by ear. To tell you the truth, there are a lot of Wal-Mart type wreaths on doors there and while it is nice that someone is remembering, I just like doing something with my own hands.

Now I feel bad about typing that, but I’m not going to withdraw it because, well, heck. it’s me. I have to stop and realize that maybe someone stood for 30 minutes selecting just the right wreath. I guess I like making the wreath because of what I get from it; the thoughts while the little wires are being twisted on – or the grapevine is going berserk and trying to uncoil itself.

I guess, too, I feel that when someone sees a special homemade wreath on someone’s door, they immediately know that someone put effort into it for that resident.

Maybe what I should realize is that I can do this wreath thing; I have imagination and can pull it off with nutcrackers and elves and bells and angels and holly. For me, to get a Wal-Mart wreath would be saying I don’t want to do what I can do because it will take too much of my time. I need to realize that some people don’t have a clue as to doing it and buying one may have just as much thought and effort involved.

I could just delete this whole thing, but sometimes a public self-lecture isn’t a real bad thing. Probably I wouldn’t want to say publicly,  “Now, AmeliaJake, you should take back that million dollars you stole from the bank while wearing a Raggedy Ann mask.” That would be something to deal with privately, or at least speak about hypothetically.

* My leg is a limb; maybe if you are not hurt, you limb on. But when the “b” takes a tumble, you limp on. You know, this could be a long day for the people around me . . . One of those, have you ever considered (fill in the blank with something absurb) days.

One thought on “Take a knee”

  1. If you’re needing to take a break from using that knee this might be a good time to relay the rest stop story… I’m sure AP would appreciate it.

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