Fulfilling my destiny

It was a dark night as we entered the cobbled together and always being worked on I-75 area just at Dayton’s northern outskirts; traffic was heavy. Der Bingle had instructed us to take the Stanley exit, but the GPS said the 4 North exit and Summer and I decided to go for the latter.  Then more orange barrels and guess what? We missed the exit and wound up going across the river and into the part of I-75 that runs along the downtown. We took an exit where I had some idea of being able to remedy our situation while the GPS lady had repeated seizures. When I reached a point of turning around, I pulled into a lot where our headlight illuminated one of the big old rambling houses of the early days of Dayton. Simmer thought it was a drug house but I drew her attention to the view out my window, which was of a parking lot full of police cars.

We got back on I-75 and threaded our way through more orange barrels until we reached an exit that would deliver us ultimately to Highway 444 and then Kauffman Road and then National Road and then Reese Road and the then the place where apartment complexes run together. Summer was a little worried but Cameron and I had the thought she could stand out in the street and yell “Grandpa” as in “Stella” – she didn’t get it.

Oh, did I forget to mention that we had Der Bingles’s replacement and already activated cell phone and had we called for directions, his phone would have rung in the glove compartment right in front of Summer. This did not comfort her.

I did get to the right spot, however, and when Der Bingle came out to meet us, she grabbed onto him for dear life. We went in and ordered Cousin Vinnie’s Pizza – a tradition for us. And then people started watching Mystery Theater 3000 on Der Bingle’s new Apple TV enabled on his TV screen.

I think I went to bed.

Stay tuned for updates.

2 thoughts on “Fulfilling my destiny”

  1. I so would have parked Summer in the street doing the “Stella-pa” yell….. the image is quite vivid.

    “make a u-turn”
    “turn left immediately”
    “make your way to the highlighted route”
    “find the nearest available road”
    It was the last one that made me turn the voice off my GPS…. I figured “you are an idiot” was the next comment”

    Tell Summer I’m keeping her in my prayers as grandma takes her into these dark places……

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