No Nancy Drew here

My glasses went missing for two days during the few minutes it took me to take a shower. I am the person who has her glasses on her face for every waking hour and quite a few sleeping ones, so this quick and complete disappearance  was totally unexpected. I mean I am the Queen of Quick Showers and so we are talking mere minutes and a limited area. I thought I would find them in a matter of seconds, but this Nancy Drew bumbled around her mystery for two whole days.

It’s not that I can’t see without my glasses so much that the pull on my eye muscles is close to painful and alarms go off in my brain.

Fortunately, I had just purchased new glasses in the past few months, so the old ones had not made several trips from one drawer to another and eventually into the Black Hole of Forever Gone. And I had also signed up for the mega insurance plan for replacements if necessary. I was able to hop into my contingency plan and stave off the no glasses panic.

Still, misplacing my glasses is so UnAmeliaJake  it is ridiculous; it drove me about as crazy as not having them.

When Quentin called shortly after the crisis arose, he reminded me of the time a dog took his glasses and chewed them. I looked at Shane with my twitching-muscled eyeballs and thought certainly not. After searching the small area where they could logically be down to almost the molecular level, I was starting to wonder. The fact that the rubber dog hair removal brush had gone missing just as quickly earlier in the day did not bode well.  The fact that he had gone outside shortly before I discovered them gone was not encouraging.

Then last night, just about the same time of day they disappeared, I put my hand down on the rug by where I was sitting and felt them. It was disconcerting; I had looked right at that area over and over again and there had been no glasses there. Now, voila, glasses? I didn’t see any obvious damage. I also didn’t go running out to other rooms announcing the find. It was too eerie. People would have asked where I found them and I wasn’t prepared to get into any paranormal talk.

As for Shane  . . . let’s just say he might become a “usual suspect” since during my search I found a Wubba and numerous dog treats stashed in various places.

Since I had not logically located the glasses, it seemed I was not Nancy Drew; and when I looked in my driveway, there was no roadster. I think that makes it definite.

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