Up from the cellar

It’s a basement; it’s not really a cellar. You go down the stairs and reach a landing: Go right and you are into the paneled section with the fireplace and TV and other stuff; Go left and you enter The Bunker, which used to be known as The Cement Room. Mother got creative down there, you see. The Bunker has a definite Scott House ambiance. Gee, I just remembered – when I was very little, I used to say, “Up to the Scott House.” Well, that was a long time ago. But now it is in my mind again. We’ll see for how long.

But, back to The Bunker part of the basement. One of the rooms on that side is paneled and carpeted and has a drop ceiling. Fitting around the boundaries of this room is a space the shape of Oklahoma. Coming off of what would be the east side of Oklahoma if you were looking at a map are the furnace room and the fruit cellar. I know, I don’t know why we don’t call it the fruit basement. I like the fruit cellar, probably because it has floor to ceiling beadboard cabinet doors. The furnace room isn’t half-bad either; it’s square and the furnace is fairly small these days. Oklahoma and the furnace room are painted in sage with light peach here and there; we have a puzzle-working table next to the furnace and chairs, old cabinets, a TV, an old upright radio, a table, a refrigerator, a freezer and a footstool that has a Raggedy Ann face on it (GoodWill) in the Oklahoma section.

Well, yesterday I cleaned some down there. And I emptied out the chest freezer that is over by the panhandle of Oklahoma. When I get near the bottom, I have to climb up on a step stool and then lean over. Actually, that lets me just barely reach stuff and I wound up straddling the front wall of the freezer this time. I felt a little more comfortable that way; one time when I was leaning over, I teetered on the wall, like an upside down “V”. It could have been bad.

I also sucked cobwebs. With a vacuum, of  course. That was probably obvious but knowing I had been upside down in a freezer might have had you wondering about my mind.

I also went to Wal-Mart. I’m looking at that sentence now and chuckling. Maybe I should be worried about my mind.

One thought on “Up from the cellar”

  1. Love the visuals. From the Oklahoma description (I could find my way down there blindfolded now, well maybe, as long as Rose hadn’t put any boobie-traps in my path) to the sucking cobwebs and the Y-position. But all this cleaning has me concerned….. It’s seriously making me look bad.

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