A good point on The View

I don’t watch The View, but today it came on the TV when I had my hands full of stuff I was sorting. By the time I picked up the remote, Barbara Walters mentioned a controversy on the show that happened two weeks ago, and I suspected they were going to say something about Bill O’Reilly . . . and they did.

So I left it on for a few minutes. And during that time, discussion embraced Juan Williams and expanded to remarks about the hiring of a nanny. Sherri Shepherd’s nanny for her son. And Sherri Shepherd stated that she told a Jehovah’s Witness she could not hire her because that religion required a member to talk about their religion. She said, and I can’t use quotes because my memory is not precise, that a person is his religion.

That prompted another member of the show to inquire if that applied to politicians; this is what I considered a good point. The back and forth talk became more of interrupted phrases. Walters quickly tried to change the religion concept to Liberal and Conservative. I think they went to commercial.

I suspect it will be glossed over – Shepherd’s remark that a person is his religion – but it seems that her voiced indignant  political correctness doesn’t fit her personal reality.