Apple Festival tomorrow

Kendallville is geared up for Apple Festival this weekend; unfortunately, Saturday’s weather prediction is not too good. The festivities and the accompanying area garage sales are supposed to see rain and temps in the 50’s. The temperature doesn’t bother me; it’s the rain. Nothing says bummer like cold rain. I’ve gone when snowflakes have been in the air and it wasn’t bad, although my leather-soled shoes conducted the cold of the pavement exceedingly well. And you could see the steam rising off of the appleburgers. I’ve gone when the temperature was in the 90’s and that was okay since I wasn’t cooking fritters or wearing a pioneer costume. Not great, but okay. Threw back a lot of Bayou Billy drinks that day.

All week long the extended prediction has been for sun, sun, sun and then a rainy weekend and then sun, sun, sun. Then yesterday, Saturday was ranked in the partly cloudy column; tonight, it is back in the rain category. I feel for the organizers; I really do.

We always purchased some unique thing at Apple Festival for Mother’s birthday; once he could read, Cameron pointed out a “Grow Dammit” iron sign for her herb garden. It pleased her immensely. I don’t know if I’ll go this year. I don’t think the kids and I feel like it. I don’t think we need to get out there and go “We’re going to have a good time.” I think we have a sense that this is not something we have to do to prove we are living and celebrating life; there is an air of just standing by and taking a break to remember. I’ll do something else this year; it simply feels right to stop and mark a passing of a family era.

I’m thinking of making bread tomorrow, experimenting since Der Bingle will be here. He’s always been one to toss different ingredients around. But no Tabasco sauce bread . . . and horseradish isn’t encouraged. We’ll see. Cameron is having a fling with cornbread; I don’t care for it, but my dad was quite fond of it. Summer is weaning herself off Zebra Cakes.


The new basketball schedule was published today on the East Noble site. Last year was 6-15. The coach attended every game.

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