
I think we have phases in life, some short and some long. I am talking about personal phases, not really those determined by outside influences. No, that isn’t what I mean; this is difficult. Okay, phases that aren’t determined by one specific event, or even two. These phases either occur naturally as a result of organic mind/body changes (perhaps aging?) and/or the constant stresses and pressures of an extended environment. Something in you changes –  a shift in mood, outlook, or whatever you want to call it. Maybe it is like the temperature falling, falling and falling and then, poof, water is ice.

To tell you the truth here, I am thinking about this as I go along and some of the ideas coming off the top of my head are smashing right on the floor; some leave me so fast they zoom right out of my awareness and all I remember is thinking I might have had a good idea. Some circle around and come back to fight for landing space with others that carry opposing speculation.

I know I often don’t know what I am talking about, but it is unsettling to realize I don’t believe I know what I am thinking about.

Yes, I am fazed . . . and no, I did not plan that pun; it just presented itself and I gave up and grabbed it and typed it.

4 thoughts on “Phases”

  1. I totally understand this. What’s more disturbing to me is that I wonder if I even have good ideas some days. Those days just are just spots of time that drift in a vague misty place in my memory. Sometimes I’m not sure the day was real because there’s no tangible evidence it ever existed.

    I’m not sure I like some of the phases. I suppose I shouldn’t let myself be fazed by that. (if you aren’t going to play on the pun I will)

  2. Okay, I’m not in a phase… I’m just stuck in one very bad horridly grumpy butt day. Or should I label it a phase…. now I’m all confused.

  3. You need to come to the Foo Bar and toss back a couple of Peach Mango/iced teas; Foo is a good listener. Maybe Newfie and Spiffie and Spoofie will show up. Spoofie is always pretty cheerful and full of beach girl stories; Spiffie is upbeat and likes to keep things neat and organized; Newfie is from Newfoundland and has her own brand of cognitive interpretation. And maybe if you are lucky, NaPoo will come by and do one of her Native American dances around the firepit out back. Oh, I have to go – Woo wants to talk to me. (She thinks she’s Chinese, dontcha know. One of Confucius’ star pupils)

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