Mine enemies have been called to arms

Yes, I found this comment from LZP in response to the post below about teaching Cameron the art of Dandelion Warfare:

Stop the oppression of our little yellow friends. We are planning the great Crabgrass War and enrolling the help of all garden gnomes, elves, but no Fairies… Everone meet at 4:30 at the Kohlrabi patch. Wear a yellow hat and the password is swordfish.

Well, let me point out, oh Weed Expeditionary Force potential enlistees, that when you don the jaunty little yellow hat of  the Dandelion Brigade, you make yourself a REALLY PRIME TARGET. Think Redcoats. Did they tell you to come dressed as commandos? They did not. You are being sacrificed for the dandelions . . . what spray goes on you, does not hit them . . . and they think maybe the mighty AmeliaJake warrior will run out of the stuff. Well, Wal-Mart and I say, HA!

They want you to gird your loins for them. The Great AmeliaJake is putting lions on the grid. Think about it.

2 thoughts on “Mine enemies have been called to arms”

  1. I’m torn as to which side to join so I think I’ll just make a picnic and sit beneath my parasol on the hillside and watch the battle. My my it’s hot out today…..

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